Legislative Committee
Iowa ASCD Legislative Committee
Iowa ASCD works with groups throughout the state in providing support and materials to assist in others Advocating for the students and families in Iowa.
Iowa ASCD Legislative Committee Members:
-- Jessica Parsons - jessica.parsons@dmschools.org
-- Anna Selk- aselk@benton.k12.ia.us
-- Allan Eckelman - eckelmana@gmail.com
-- Susan Pecinovsky - specinovsky0820@gmail.com
-- Lou Howell - LouHowell@gmail.com
-- Pam Vogel- drpamvogel@gmail.com
-- Lara Kyle - lkyle@masoncityschools.org
-- Annette Jauron - annette.jauron@indianola.k12.ia.us
-- Lisa Hartman - lisa.hartman@lewiscentral.org
-- Angela Hanson - ahanson@spencerschools.org
-- Jodi Grover - groverj@uiu.edu
-- Mona Yanacheak - myanacheak@gmail.com -------- Dawn Behan - dbehan@mtmercy.edu
Expected Outcomes:
- Understand the purpose of this committee
- Develop norms for this committee
- Acquaint ourselves with the 2025 Legislative Agendas and New Policies
- Acquaint ourselves with the resources available to us
- Develop our knowledge on the prominent issues facing the 2025 Legislative Session
- Develop a draft of the 2025 Iowa ASCD Legislative Agenda
Tools for Advocacy
ASCD Government Relations - Advocacy and Influence
ASCD Capitol Connections: Capitol Connection provides the inside scoop on federal policy and helps educators contact lawmakers about issues that matter.
ASCD Educator Advocates: Sign up today for Educator Advocates from ASCD! Stay informed about the education policy and politics that affect your day-to-day work.
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)
ASCD Legislative Agenda:
ASCD Legislative Agenda (2017): This agenda summarizes the priorities of ASCD in 2017.
ASCD Legislative Agenda (2016): This agenda summarizes the priorities of ASCD in 2016.
ASCD Position Statements: ASCD shares their current positions regarding education and learning.
Contact Your Legislator in DC and Iowa: This site provides contact information with senators and representatives at both the state and national level.
Find Your Iowa Legislator: This site provides information about your legislator as well as how to contact.
Sample Letter and Phone Transcript to Use When Contacting Your Legislator
Susan Pecinovsky's podcast on how to contact your legislator.
Iowa ASCD Legislative Agendas
Iowa ASCD Message Development Sheet: This sheet allows you to use the legislative agenda to develop your own message for the legislator(s). The Final Message Sheet allows you to transfer your initial thinking to your final version.
Ensuring Equity
Promoting Excellence
Supporting Educators
Iowa ASCD Rubric for Advocacy: This rubric allows you to identify your level of skill and knowledge as well as practices in advocacy.
Iowa ASCD Summary of Our Kids - The American Dream in Crisis by Robert D. Putnam
Iowa Legislature:
Live Chamber - Audio and Video: Streaming audio and video of Senate and House proceedings is available whenever the chambers are in session
Education Committees