
Why join Iowa ASCD?
Membership provides you the tools, resources and community to truly Learn, Teach, Lead.
Become active in education on a statewide basis & connect with outstanding Iowa, national, and international leaders in education!
- Access an ever-growing body of resources.
- Network and learn with colleagues from across the state.
- Receive the newsletter, The Source, twice a month filled with news, resources and current events.
- Receive discounts on event registrations.
Access to our online community.
Join today!
Iowa ASCD membership is open to all who are interested in improving the quality of instruction for students in Iowa's schools. Members include 700+ educators:
Instructional Coaches
Central Office Staff, including Associate Superintendents and Directors
Curriculum Coordinators, Directors, and Specialists
Area Education Agency Personnel
Pre-Service Education Candidates
Department of Education Personnel
Graduate Students
School Board Members
- The Source, published the first and third Friday of each month, except July, and includes all Iowa and related ASCD news on curriculum, instruction and supervision. Legislative alerts and special editions are also provided and include information on family and community engagement, writing, gifted, etc.
- This Web Site with Multiple Resources
- Conferences and Workshops at Discount
- Advocacy Workshops
- Iowa ASCD Curriculum Leadership Academy
- Curriculum Lead Mentoring/Support/Virtual Network
- Institutes/Conferences/Academies with Follow-up Support
- Webinars
- Handouts
- PowerPoints
- And now 30 titles on line
How about the $45 membership fee? The contacts you will make with outstanding Iowa, national and international leaders for learning? The PK-12 school, university, Area Education Agency, legislative, and Department of Education connections you can make?
To join, you may do so on line above or contact Iowa ASCD's Executive Director, Lou Howell ( or 515.229.4781) or the Assistant to the Executive Director, Becky Martin ( or 515.533.8050).
Pre-service candidates at the college/university may join for $15 per year. Contact to join and arrange for payment.
Graduate candidates at the college/university may join for 3 years for $45 while in their graduate program. Contact to join and arrange for payment.
And consider an "institutional membership" for $25 per person in your building/district/AEA when 20 or more members wish to join. Contact to join and arrange for payment.
- $25 per person per building/district with at least 20 in the building/district participating.
- Those in the building/district who are already members would have their membership extended one year past their renewal date. All others would be members for 1 year from date of membership enrollment.
- All members would receive The Source and special editions of The Source as scheduled as well as legislative alerts.
- All members would receive the discounted/member price for all conferences/institutes.
- All members would be encouraged to follow Iowa ASCD on Twitter and Facebook.
- All members would receive the special price for members when "valued-added" opportunities are offered (e.g., Venables/$15, webinars/free)
- All members would receive access to 30 books on line!
- The building/district contact would provide an Excel list of all educators to Lou Howell ( with the following information:
- Column A: e-mail address
- Column B: last name of individual
- Column C: first name of individual
- Column D: AEA (in your case, GH)
- Column E: Gender - F/M (optional)
- Column F: Ethnicity (W=White, not Hispanic, H=Hispanic, A= Asian, AF A=African American, NA= Native American) You may choose to leave this column blank.
- Column G: Name of District
- Column H: Primary role (e.g., teacher, principal, superintendent)
- Column I: Street Address
- Column J: City
- Column K: State
- Column L: Zip
- The district/building would be asked to have at least 20 individuals in the building/district to be eligible for this opportunity.
- The district would provide reimbursement to Iowa ASCD for the amount of $25 x number of people in the district/building participating in this opportunity.