Become Corporate Sponsor

Iowa ASCD consistently provides quality learning opportunities for the educators of Iowa.  We encourage you to sponsor upcoming events.

Sponsor Options

Keynote Speaker Sponsorship   $1,500

Includes an introduction of the sponsor before the keynote address, signage in the keynote space, mention in the event brochure/agenda, recognition at the event luncheon with promotional items and logo placement on the event website.  Keynote Speaker sponsorship is exclusive.

Featured Speaker Sponsorship  $750

Includes an introduction of the sponsor before the speaker's presentation, signage in the presentation space, mention in the event brochure/agenda, and logo placement on the event website.    Featured speaker sponsorship is not exclusive.

Internet Access Sponsorship $1,500 (if not provided in the contract with the venue)

We are offering a sponsorship opportunity, which will pay for wireless Internet in the meeting areas at no charge to conference participants.  If this sponsorship is secured, there will be free Internet access as part of the exhibit package.  Internet Access sponsorship is exclusive.

Meal Sponsorship   $1,000

Sponsorship of a meal will be used toward the funding of breakfasts or lunches at the event.  Meal sponsors receive recognition on the Iowa ASCD website and in the conference brochure. These sponsors also have the opportunity to place literature or items with the company logo on the tables, and logo placement in the room.   Meal sponsorship is not exclusive.

Snack/Beverage Break Sponsorship   $250 per break

Sponsorship of a snack/beverage break will be used toward the funding of snacks/beverages at the event.  Sponsors receive recognition on the Iowa ASCD website and in the conference welcome and agenda materials.  These sponsors also have the opportunity to place literature or items with the company logo on the tables, and logo placement in the room.  Snack/Beverage Break sponsorship is not exclusive.

Lanyard/Name Tag Sponsorship   $500

Your logo along with Iowa ASCD’s logo on the lanyards/name tags would be given to/worn by all conference registrants.  This also includes recognition on the Iowa ASCD website and conference brochure/agenda.   Lanyard/Name Tag sponsorship is exclusive.

Conference Giveaways Sponsorship $300

You supply the giveaway items with your logo; Iowa ASCD will hand them out with the conference materials to all conference registrants.  It also includes recognition on the Iowa ASCD website and conference brochure.  Conference Giveaways sponsorship is not exclusive.