Workshop Resources

Check Out These Resources!

The resources on this page are meant to support your advocacy work.

Review the following links below:

  • Sample Agendas
  • Tools for Advocacy

This is an agenda used in the past to develop the skills of those interested going "on the hill."  A new agenda will be here in the late fall of 2022.

Iowa ASCD Agenda

Advocacy Workshop and Resources for 2017

Impacting Learning "On the Hill"

FEBRUARY 8, 2017 8:00 - 4:00
with Continental Breakfast and Networking at 7:30
Morning at the Downtown Marriott and Afternoon "On the Hill"

7:30-8:00 Continental Breakfast and Networking
8:00-8:15 Dr. Ryan Wise - Iowa Director of Education
9:00-10:30 Margaret Buckton - Lobbyist - Iowa School Finance Information Services
10:30-10:45 Break

Dr. Elaine Bright-Smith - Making Meetings Meaningful - Creating Our Message

  • Dr. Randal Peters and Allen Eckelman - Leadership in Legislative Advocacy 2017 (LILA)
  • Iowa ASCD Legislative Committee - Legislative Agenda 2017

    • Preparation and Process


Dr. Susan Pecinovsky - Making Meetings Meaningful - Personalizing Our Message


Preparation for “on the Hill” (Working lunch)

  • Finalizing Your Ask
1:00-1:20 Trip to Capitol

Education Committees - Room 304 - Capitol Building

  • House Education Committees - 1:20-2:05
  • Senate Education Committee - 2:10-2:55
3:00-4:00 Participants Meet with Their Iowa Legislators
3:45-4:00 Meet on First Floor (Table Area) and Debrief Our Visit
4:00- Shuttle back to Marriott Hotel
Closing Tab

Tools For Advocacy

Tools for Advocacy

Closing Tab