Especially for you...
enjoy the resources, websites, and other information to extend the thinking and practices of others in your roles. Have a suggested resource? Use the form on the right to submit your ideas.
Approaches to Learning Resources collected by Iowa ASCD provide you with strategies and supports to enhance your teaching - everything from AIW to Understanding by Design.
Access: Approaches to Learning
Content-Specific Resources collected by Iowa ASCD provide you with subject-specific resources at your fingertips.
Access: Content-Specific Resources
Kristin Burnham defines culturally responsive teaching as well as shares five strategies.
- Pre-Kindergarten Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
- Kindergarten Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
- Grade 1 Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
- Grade 2 Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
- Grade 3 Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
- Grade 4 Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
- Grade 5 Teachers - Access a page with web sites just for you and your students.
Be sure to check out Iowa ASCD's web pages on Subject-Specific Resources and Approaches to Learning.
- Association for Middle Level Education:
The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) is the leading international organization advancing the education of all students ages 10 to 15, helping them succeed as learners and make positive contributions to their communities and to the world. AMLE is committed to helping middle grades educators reach every student, grow professionally, and create great schools.
- Cybrary Man's education sites for middle school.
- Intel Unit Plans Integrating Technology: Developed by teachers, this showcase includes a collection of exemplary unit and lesson plans that integrate technology into classroom projects. These plans aligns to standards and promotes higher-order thinking using curriculum-framing questions, authentic project tasks, effective instructional strategies, and performance assessment.
- Iowa Core Standards: Check out the standards for Iowa Core in the middle school
- Middle Web - This site is all about the middle grades with a sharp focus on teaching and learning in grades 4-8.
Be sure to check out Iowa ASCD's web pages on Subject-Specific Resources and Approaches to Learning.
- Cybrary Man's educational sites for high school.
- Intel Unit Plans Integrating Technology: Developed by teachers, this showcase includes a collection of exemplary unit and lesson plans that integrate technology into classroom projects. These plans aligns to standards and promotes higher-order thinking using curriculum-framing questions, authentic project tasks, effective instructional strategies, and performance assessment.
- Iowa Core Standards: Check out the standards for Iowa Core in the high school
Developed by teachers, explore this collection of teaching ideas that showcase integration of technology into classroom projects for all ages and most subjects.
Access: Intel's Exemplary Unit and Lesson Plans for K-12 Educators
This site provides the standards for student learning in math, literacy, science, and social studies, as well as learner characteristics for the gifted and English Language Learners (ELL).
Access: Iowa Core
ISEA reaches out to build community support for Iowa schools and their teachers and is designed to promote and support quality education.
Access: Iowa State Education Association
A group of tech-savvy librarians offer up a list of their favorite education apps!
Access: Librarian Approved: 30 Ed-Tech Apps to Inspire Creativity and Creation
The National Education Association (NEA) is more than 3 million people—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.
Access: National Education Association
Learning Forward's site for professional learning supports for learning communities, leadership, resources, data, learning designs, implementation, and outcomes.
The Iowa Department of Education provides information on teacher evaluation.
- Iowa Model Educator Evaluation System
- Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria
- Mentoring and Induction for Beginning Educators
- Iowa Professional Development Model
- Teacher Quality Committee
- Teacher Shortage Areas
Access: Teacher Evaluation/Quality
School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) provides TLC resources shared at professional learning opportunities.
Access: Teacher Leadership
The Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) System rewards effective teachers with leadership opportunities and higher pay, attracts promising new teachers with competitive starting salaries and more support, and fosters greater collaboration for all teachers to learn from each other.
Access: The Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) System
Robert Marzano and Michael Toft share why essential shifts in instruction are necessary for teachers and students to succeed with college and career readiness standards.
Access: Teaching for Rigor - A Call for a Critical Instructional Shift
- A to Z Teacher Stuff
- This is a teacher-created site designed to help teachers find online resources more quickly and easily. It provides lesson plans, thematic units, teacher tips, discussion forums for teachers, downloadable teaching materials, printable worksheets and many more.
- About Education
- Discovery Education
Discovery Education offers a broad range of free classroom resources that complement and extend learning beyond the bell - EdHelper
EdHelper provides teachers with free printables, graphic organizers, worksheets, lesson plans, games and many other activities
- Education World
This is another great website for teachers. It provides teaching tips, lesson plans, activities, academic articles, web resources and many more.
- Edutopia
This is an excelent website that empowers and connects teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education. - PBS Teachers
This is a great website that can help teachers grow professionally. It offers free teaching resources relevant to different grade category
- Scholastic
Scholastic is a great website that provides a lot of different resources for teachers, parents, kids, administrators, and librarians.
- Smithsonian Education
Smithsonian Education offers a wide variety of free resources for teachers, students, and parents.
- Teach Hub
Teach Hub provides k-12 news, lessons and share resources created by teachers and shared with teachers.
- Teachers First
This is a rich collection of lessons, untis, and web resources designed to save teachers time by delivering just what they need in a practical, user-friendly, and ad-free format. - Teachers Network
Teachers Network provides lesson plans, classroom specials, teacher designed activities for different subjects and many other resources.