Life Space Crisis Intervention Certification Events

Support for Challenging Student Behaviors
Life Space Crisis Intervention Certification Workshop
Register now – only 32 openings available each session
Iowa ASCD – Events Tab
Overview and Learning Outcomes to print
++ Special offer for Counselors who are members of ISEA - registration and expenses paid with Ross Trust Funds! Register today!
This certification training provides carefully structured theoretical and applied instruction in crisis intervention skills for use in reclaiming children and youth involved in patterns of self-defeating behavior. Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) applies to troubled and at-risk students in various education settings. The training provides 27 specific competencies for using the crisis as a teaching and therapeutic opportunity with students showing six different patterns of self-defeating behavior.
Did you attend Teach to Heal? Follow-up with attending this certification.
Attendance at this training certifies an individual to use the strategies. It does not allow a participant to train on Life Space concepts or materials.
Upcoming Certification Training Offerings -each 4.5 days.
-- September 23-27, 2024 - 4.5 days - Cedar Rapids - Link to details
-- February 10-14, 2025 - 4.5 days - Marshalltown - Link to details
-- June 16-20, 2025 - 4.5 days - Ottumwa - Link to details
-- July 14-18, 2025 - 4.5 days Des Moines- - Link to details
Facilitator: Danielle Theis, Master Trainer of Life Space and National Consultant on Mental Health
Danielle Theis has been working successfully with youth who experience mental health and behavioral challenges since 1990. Through her development of Teach to Heal, she prides herself in assisting schools with a systemic approach to support mental health and the impact of trauma. Danielle is a licensed psychotherapist, Director of Special Education, and K-12 Principal. Danielle has served as an Educational Administrator for 23 years. Danielle is one of 30 Master Trainers for Life Space Crisis Intervention in the world. She is acknowledged by the Minnesota Department of Education as an expert in reducing restrictive procedures and working effectively with children who display significant behavioral challenges. Danielle provides consultation and training to support children experiencing mental health and behavioral challenges, and the adults who serve them, in our schools and communities.
Registration fee: $1,000 and includes the required materials & book ($175 value) and one-year membership in Iowa ASCD.
Register Today! Link to Registration
**School Counselors who are members of the Iowa State Education Association
will have their registration costs covered (includes the registration fee,
materials, lodging, and license renewal credit) through the Ross Trust Reserve Funds.
Register and enter ISEA in the PO blank.
Credit options (Free for ISEA Member School Counselors who complete the paperwork)
- Iowa License Renewal credits through ISEA Academy
- 3 Graduate Credits - Augustana College - $300 –through Danielle Thies. (School Counselors who are ISEA members can be reimbursed through Ross Trust)
Dr. Susan Pecinovsky
Stan Newton
Colleen Heinz, ISEA
Registration questions: Becky Martin