Meet Your Iowa ASCD Team - Diane Campbell

Meet Our President, Diane Campbell.

Diane Campbell serves as the president of Iowa ASCD.  Her expertise in systems thinking (and action!) is a definite plus for our organization.

     Diane is the Building Collaboration Team Lead for Mississippi Bend AEA 9.  She has also served as an elementary principal, director of innovation and instruction, associate high school principal, and special education teacher in the Muscatine Community School District.  Diane is also an adjunct instructor for Iowa Wesleyan College. 

      Diane has a Master of Science in education from Western Illinois University, her Master of Arts in Special Education from the University of Iowa as well as her Bachelor of Science in Special Education.   

     Before taking on the role of Iowa ASCD president, she was elected to the Iowa ASCD Board of Directors in 2014 representing the members at large and serving as a liaison with other educational organizations. As an ASCD Board member Diane has assisted with workshops, institutes, and conferences.  She has also written articles for The Source, Iowa ASCD’s newsletter.

     Diane Campbell has recognized the impact of Iowa ASCD, noting that it provides valuable leadership and support for educators across Iowa.  As president as well as in other roles, she has found an opportunity to continue to grow the vision of Iowa ASCD and increase networking in the state of Iowa. Throughout her career, as a teacher, principal, and district administrator, Iowa ASCD has supported her learning. She is dedicated to Iowa ASCD’s vision of “being a responsive network of educational leaders that serves as the first choice for those who influence instructional policy and practices in Iowa. Iowa ASCD is committed to excellence and is responsive to the current climate of education.”  Her role as president is to advance the work of the organization and provide a collaborative and proactive response to the needs of educators across Iowa. And she does that so well, focusing on promoting learning, teaching, and leading through instructional leadership in Iowa.

     P.S.:  And she loves being a grandma – her newest and greatest “hobby.”

Previous Postings
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Higher Education IACTE Representative - Michelle Krogulski
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Treasurer - Sara Oswald
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Secretary - Tamela Johnson
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s President, Diane Campbell.
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Past-President, Becky Martin.