Meet Your Iowa ASCD Team - Tamela Johnson

This month meet Tamela Johnson.

Tamela Johnson is the secretary for Iowa ASCD and serves as the elementary principal of St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Waverly, Iowa.

She has been a member of Iowa ASCD for more than a decade, committed to learning, teaching, and leading.  Her priorities in education have focused on team collaboration, ensuring Iowa Core alignment, addressing diversity challenges, using technology to streamline instruction, and guiding data-based decision making to enhance instruction and impact student success. 

Tamela has earned degrees in elementary education with a physical education endorsement and K-12 principalship with special education supervision at the University of Northern Iowa.  She has been a teacher, a teacher leader, and elementary principal.  For many years in the Humboldt Community School District she led the Pre-K-12 curriculum work, organizing the assessment program, providing adult professional growth opportunities, and overseeing district plans and programs. She continues to provide that leadership at St. Paul’s.

She has served on the Iowa ASCD Curriculum Leaders’ Support Team and participated in many of Iowa ASCD conferences, promoted Iowa ASCD and ASCD resources, and influenced others in their participation and use of resources to enhance teaching for learning.

She has served on the boards of Head Start in Humboldt and MISIC, and recognizes the importance, responsibilities, and impact of being a board member.

And Tamela is a fantastic secretary!  Check out her minutes from our board meetings.

Previous Postings
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Higher Education IACTE Representative - Michelle Krogulski
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Treasurer - Sara Oswald
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Secretary - Tamela Johnson
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s President, Diane Campbell.
This month we feature Iowa ASCD’s Past-President, Becky Martin.