November 2022

Featured: November, 2022

Featured in November, 2022

  • Podcast:  "Breaking the Teacher-Shortage Cycle!"  Renowned author and education policy expert Linda Darling-Hammond joins the ASCD Connect podcast to discuss bold ideas and initiatives to better support the teaching profession during a time of crisis.
  • Blog: "Short Cycle Management: When to Tighten Time Between Coaching Cycles" by Jo Lein.  Identifying sources of teacher doubt—in step, system, or self—can help coaches determine when to double-down on coaching efforts.
  • Book:  Leading Your School Toward Equity: A Practical Framework for Walking the Talk By Dwayne Chism
    • In Leading Your School Toward Equity, veteran educator Dwayne Chism shows district, school, and teacher leaders a four-step process for taking equity work beyond talk and into effective action. You'll learn concrete ways to

      • Define and clarify equity. Guide even reluctant staff to a consensus understanding of what equity is, why it's necessary, and what it will look like.

      • Create productive discomfort. Use intentional dialogue to lead staff to a place where they can talk frankly about privilege, bias, racial inequality, and how these affect students' experience of schooling.

      • Build efficacy. Help staff develop higher levels of individual and shared professional efficacy—the number one factor influencing equitable educational outcomes—and create an empowered group of educational equity allies united for results.

      • Normalize action. Support the day-to-day use of an equity lens, a mindset that empowers all teachers to counteract stereotypes and rectify conditions that negatively affect students of color.

  • Article:  "Fostering a Growth Mindset through Assessment" by Stephanie Farley  Read how Stephanie Farley used competency-based assessment and social-emotional learning principles to give her students a better perspective on their capabilities.


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