Enjoy the collated resources in Math. If you have suggestions, please submit them using the form on the right.
Achieve the Core was founded in 2011 on the conviction that game-changing shifts in education were necessary to ensure all students have access to high-quality instruction grounded in college- and career-ready standards. Today, Achieve the Core is still committed to being game-changers in the education space. And they recognize that supporting students at the margins requires a promise of shifts- and standards-aligned instruction that cannot be fulfilled without radical change and collaboration.
All students deserve high-quality materials. Less than 20 percent of the materials in use in classrooms is aligned to standards, according to EdReports.
What you select and how you select matters. Schools and districts have more options than ever from which to find high-quality materials that meet their local priorities. The selection process by EdReports is a critical lever for ensuring that quality materials are adopted and then used well in classrooms. Current adoption practices are simply not good enough. Check out the process offered by EdReports.
Access: Adoption of Instructional Resources - Ed Reports' Process
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is a professional development program based on an integrated program of research focused on (a) the development of students’ mathematical thinking; (b) instruction that influences that development; (c) teachers’ knowledge and beliefs that influence their instructional practices; and (d) the way that teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices are influenced by their understanding of students’ mathematical thinking. Using CGI strategies is an effective way of implementing the Iowa Core Curriculum for Mathematics at the elementary level.
This site provides an analysis tool to assure alignment with the Iowa Core. Educators can also join Bill Bush in a blog about the Common Core State Standards; they can also access the learning progressions in all the math domains.
Access: Common Core Tools
Check out this math web page for URLs especially for educators, students, parents.
Access: Cybrary Man's Website for Math
EdReports provides free reports that help you evaluate instructional materials because high-quality content matters to teachers, to kids, and to our collective future.
Access: EdReports
Spending the first five minutes of elementary math classes with one of these launch routines can help all students feel ready to learn.
This site provides teachers with standard-aligned resources to support students at all levels. Find assessments at multiple levels of rigor, differentiated activities, graphic organizers, and engaging real-world mini-projects.
Access: Goalbook Pathways recently designed a guide to help parents better understand the Common Core Standards, specifically the sometimes challenging math standards. Our guide Guide to Common Core Math for Parents was designed to help parents guide their kids through their specific math level and offers in-depth information in several areas, including:
- An overview of Common Core Standards
- The eight main standards Common Core math
- Differences between old math and new math
- Common Core math examples, including number lines, drawing pictures, and number bonds
- Tips for how parents can help their children solve math problems
This matrix integrates Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK) with Bloom's Cognitive Process Dimensions
Access: Hess - Cognitive Rigor Matrix - Math and Science CRM
This website provides a process for submitting, discussing, reviewing, and publishing tasks. It also displays the standards in multiple views and provides easy access to tasks associated with individual standards and tasks associated with higher order structures in the standards. It also addresses progressions.
Visitors will find classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, tools for mathematics instruction that teachers can use immediately, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site. Problems of the month and performance assessments are also included.
Access: Inside Mathematics
This website provides progressions for mathematics. This project is organizing the writing of final versions of the progressions documents for the K–12 Common Core State Standards. The work will be undertaken by members of the original work team of the progressions and also by mathematicians and educators not involved in the initial writing.
Access: The Institute of Math Education - Progressions
Explore the standards for mathematics by grade level and subject area.
Access: Iowa Core Mathematics
This site provides resources for instruction, assessment, and professional development in mathematics.
Access: Iowa Core Mathematics Resources
The purposes of the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics are:
To encourage an active interest in mathematics and its teaching, and work toward the improvement of mathematics education programs in Iowa.
To provide a medium for exchange of views and facts about current problems, techniques, and experimental programs in the teaching of mathematics.
To provide cooperative experimentation and study of problems relating to the teaching of mathematics at all levels, and to assist in the development, coordination, and carrying out of a sustained program for improving instruction in mathematics through the provision of such aids as meetings, bulletins, research studies, and informative services.
To encourage and assist other state and national organizations concerned with mathematics education at all levels.
Access: Iowa Council of Teachers of Math
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics build on the best of existing standards and reflect the skills and knowledge students will need to succeed in college, career, and life. Understanding how the standards differ from previous standards—and the necessary shifts they call for—is essential to implementing them.
This site highlights the key shifts called for by the Common Core.
Access: Key Shifts in Mathematics
With a library of over 2,600 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 211 practice exercises, The Khan Academy is on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
Access: Khan Academy
- Laws and Regulations
- Mathematics Teaching Endorsements
- The Iowa Core in Mathematics
- Iowa Core Mathematics Resources
- Statewide Mathematics Leadership Team
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics (PAEMST)
Instructional coaches for mathematics will find this site helpful in implementing new mathematics content and practices.
Access: Math Leadership
This site provides a library of grade-level plans for mathematics by McREL.
Access: Math Lesson Plans by McREL
This site features links to various websites of interest along with ideas and opportunities for professional development.
In Iowa, teacher licensure is handled by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. For the requirements for teaching endorsements in mathematics, use the following links:
NCTM is a public voice of mathematics education supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students through vision, leadership, professional development and research.
Students can create/manipulate shapes like they would on a real geoboard.
Access: Online Geoboard
These grade-band specific professional learning modules are focused on the Effective Teaching Practices and Guiding Principles from Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All.
Purplemath's algebra lessons are written with the student in mind. These lessons emphasize the practicalities rather than the technicalities, demonstrating dependable techniques, warning of likely "trick" questions, and pointing out common mistakes.
Access: PurpleMath
This document provides the six shifts that the Common Core requires of us if we are to be truly aligned with it in terms of curricular materials and classroom instruction.
Access: Six Shifts in Mathematics
Teach Engineering offers standards-aligned engineering lessons and hands-on activities for use in science, engineering, and math classrooms.
Visit this site to access more than 1,465 videos to promote teaching in math.
Access: The Teaching Channel
Check out these videos to use with your students.
Access: TEDEd Lessons Worth Sharing
The Hunt Institute has developed these videos for the Common Core Standards and insight into teaching practices to support the standards.
Access: YouTube Videos for Math