Enjoy the collated resources in STEM. If you have suggestions, please submit them using the form on the right.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has revamped its educational website, Science NetLinks. You can find K–12 lesson plans, check out the science history calendar to learn about important historical dates, and stay abreast of the latest science news. Looking for ideas for the after-school science club you advise? Go to  The website can also help you with planning new activities for Earth Day (April); National Chemistry Week (October); National Engineers Week (February); and even Earth Hour (March), the annual international event designed to raise awareness about global climate change.

Access: AAAS Science NetLinks


College Affordability Guides are available for the following:


Berkeley provides muliple sources of data regarding women in computing.

Access:  Changing the Curve: Women in Computing




The field of cyber security has never been hotter. To help you find your dream job, this site offers  a comprehensive directory of colleges and universities offering cyber security degrees, as well as a wealth of information on career paths within the cyber security field, security clearances, the range of professional security certifications available, free online courses in security topics and more.  You may sort by state, interest, and format (bricks and mortar vs online).

Access: Cyber Degrees

This site provides multiple resources for STEM, including STEAM, STREAM, and STEMX.

Access: Cybrary Man's Resources for STEM

Search all different types of data science degree programs. You can view more detail by clicking on one of the links, either by degree level or specific program area.

Access:  Data Science Programs

Deep Learning and the Connection to STEM Integration:  PowerPoint presentation of Michael Fullan at the GE Summit – Building a STEM Leadership Alliance. 

Access: Deep Learning and the Connection to STEM Integration

Thanks to Cindy Powell and her Girl Scouts troop for sharing this great resource.

Access: Digital List:  Helpful Engineering Games

Discovery Education's digital science and technology teaching resources offer a rich, engaging, educational experience. The content is aligned to state standards, and the lesson plans include objectives, materials, procedures, readings and resources, vocabulary terms, discussion questions, and rubrics. You can also access a wide range of high-quality multimedia content to accompany the lessons.  Also, don't miss the Puzzlemaker application.

Access: Discovery Education

eGFI offers resources to "dream up the future."  Promotes engineering education with K-5, 6-8, 9-12 lesson plans, activities, outreach programs, and links to web resources. Teachers and students can download the first three issues of eGFI magazine.

Access: eGFI

Engineering Is Elementary supports educators and children with curricula and professional development that develop engineering literacy.  There are 20 units for Grades 1-5 and multiple resources through Grade 8.

Access: Engineering Is Elementary

This site provides interactives, web features, activities, programs, and events for K-12. Saturday and Summer professional development workshops are available through the Teacher Institute.

Access: Exploratorium 

The free, open-source HippoCampus website provides multimedia resources for high school and college students.  Explore lessons on topics ranging from DNA to the chemical and physical properties of solutions to kinetic theory and thermodynamics. HippoCampus includes presentations and videos in several subject areas, including biology, statistics, calculus, environmental science, physics, and algebra. The website also offers algebra and calculus lessons in Spanish.

Access: HippoCampus

Grace Hopper was a computer programmer who pioneered the development of the compiler, which paved the way for her creation of the COBOL computer programming language. Hopper was also a rear admiral in the U.S. Navy. She was born in 1906 in New York City and died in 1992. In 2016, President Barack Obama posthumously honored Hopper with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  Thanks to LouAnne Taylor & her awesome Junior Scouts for sharing this site.

Access: Hopper, Grace

This site provides free, inquiry-based and interdisciplinary curriculum opportunities to increase students' learning.

Access: Intel's Enriching the Learning Experience 


Check out Intel's unit plans for all grade levels and content areas. 

Access: Intel's unit plans

 A virtual community of leaders in STEM education from across Iowa's public and private sectors.

The Governor’s STEM Advisory Council at the Iowa Department of Education announced 21 Iowa school districts will join the STEM BEST® (Businesses Engaging Students and Teachers) Program to provide students with career-linked learning experiences in high-demand fields. Selected through a competitive process, these school districts will receive resources and financial support to develop or expand authentic and work-based learning programs created through business and education partnerships that provide students with real-world, hands-on opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related careers.

With the latest awardees, a total of 118 STEM BEST Program models have been created or expanded since the program launched in 2014. The STEM BEST Program encourages teachers and industry professionals to work side-by-side to develop a work-based learning model that incorporates STEM subjects with experiential learning opportunities to emphasize high-demand workplace skills. The Department’s investment of up to $40,000 in professional and financial support for each awardee can be used for curriculum development and coordination, educator training and development in workplace-classroom integration and preparing work-based learning environments.

Access:  Iowa Department of Education - Twenty-One New STEM Best Programs

The celebrated Khan Academy offers more than 2,700 instructional videos covering math, science

Access: Khan Academy

Science games for students in grades 3-5. One activity asks students to replace the body systems of a character who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The website requires free registration.

Access: Kinetic City

Eight interactive math and science tools and simulations for students in grades 6-12. All simulations and curriculum materials meet the new National Science Education Standards and National Math Education Standards.

Access:  Master Tools

MN-STEM is an educational website launched to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Access:  MN-STEM 

This website provides simulations, modules, and interactive tools for learning about nanotechnology—the design and production of structures, devices, and systems one atom or one molecule at a time. is a central place for finding computational nanotechnology research, accessing teaching and learning resources, and engaging in teacher collaboration.


This site offers many resources for science and STEM.

Access:  NASA

Interested in space exploration? Learn from the experts! This website is sponsored by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the California Institute of Technology. The comprehensive, interactive Planet Quest website features spectacular images captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope; the Ask an Astronomer podcast; videos; classroom experiments; and the JPL blog, which takes you inside a space mission.  Students can learn cool things about Mars while learning about the Mars Rover Curiosity, play with simulators, take a virtual tour of a planned NASA observatory, brush up on planet factoids through the online games and activities, and even submit questions to the experts for a little homework help. There's plenty to see, do, and explore.  Also check out NASA's Digital Learning Network.

Access:  NASA's Planet Quest Exoplanet Exploration

This site provides mulltiple resources for education in science.

Access: National Science Digital Library (NSDL)

The National Science Teachers Association offers advice and resources to help teachers engage their students in STEM subjects, and middle and high school educators talk about preparing students for college and future careers in the STEM fields.

Access:  National Science Teachers Association

Do you want your students to participate in a competition that will really motivate them? What about entering the National STEM Video Game Challenge? Check out the website to learn more and access game design resources. 

Access: National STEM Video Game Challenge

With more than 4,000 STEM resources available in its database, this website has a vast array of lesson plans, videos, and interactive resources to help you infuse both fun and rigor into your STEM classroom.

Access: PBS Teachers STEM Education Resource Center

This site searches over 60 databases and over 2200 selected websites from 15 federal agencies, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information, including research and development results. is governed by the inter-agency Alliance.

Search STEM for articles and supports for STEM.


This site provides multiple STEM projects.

Access:  Stelar - Stem Learning and Research Center

 The Dayton Regional Center provides lesson/unit plans K-12.

Access: STEM Curriculum 

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition works to support STEM programs for teachers and students at the U. S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies that offer STEM related programs.

Access:  STEM Education Coalition 

Why are there so many fewer women in STEM occupations than their male counterparts? Especially since, according to the National Student Group scores, girls are actually just as good at math as boys in eighth grade tests, and actually perform better than boys in science and engineering. It comes down to identity and confidence, and this resource will provide you with the ability to help build a girls’ STEM identity from adolescence to adulthood.

Access: STEM Identity Resources for Women and Girls

Each fast-paced, 30-minute episode is packed with hands-on learning broadcast LIVE from the floor of the National Air and Space Museum. Classrooms can participate online by sending in questions and answering polls, connecting students to museum experts and enabling access to the museum’s unparalleled galleries and collections from anywhere in the world.

Access:  STEM in 30

The STEM Teaching Tools site has tools that can help you teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). They are currently focused on supporting the teaching of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Each tool is focused on a specific issue and leverages the best knowledge from research and practice. Under the News section, you can learn a bit more about how you might use them.

Access:  STEM Teaching Tools

STEAM is the addition of the arts in the STEM initiative.

Access:  STEM to STEAM

Teach Engineering offers standards-aligned engineering lessons and hands-on activities for use in science, engineering, and math classrooms.

Access:  Teach Engineering - Curriculum for K-12 Teachers

TechGuide is a culmination of research, writing, interviewing, and personal experiences gleaned from experts in the field. The site references papers and journals as much as it will reference years of experience of people that have gone through degree programs, bootcamps, certification courses — all to land a first job in tech, or level-up their career.


Twitter:  #STEMchat and more listed below!

  1. @TeachingSTEM: Provides readers with articles on science, tech, engineering, and math.
  2. @stemschools: Gives readers great tips on promoting STEM education.
  3. @STEMschool: Disseminates excellent tips on how to teach a STEM subject.
  4. @SciAfterSchool: A great place to find STEM resources.
  5. @crsscience: Want to liven up your curriculum? This Twitter feed can help.
  6. @STEMAhead: Follow this feed to learn about STEM Ahead, and their beautiful programming.
  7. @stemnetwork: Educator schools twitter about STEM resources and initiatives.
  8. @NSTA: The NSTA is the go-to place for resources related teaching STEM in the classroom
  9. @STEM_Works: Ran by SMU, this resource helps teachers to find information on STEM instruction.
  10. @leache: Edward Leach shares STEM-related news.
  11. @STEMConnector: Tweets out STEM-related updates, articles, and resources.
  12. @MITK12STEM: MIT-backed Twitter feed that will keep you up to date on all things STEM.
  13. @changeequation: This feed is all about encouraging STEM literacy while providing you up to date STEM resources.
  14. @ConnectMinds: A Wonderful community whose mission is to get more kids involved in STEM.
  15. @almostrocketsci: Encourages kids to consider careers in the STEM fields, and provides them the resources to do just that.
  16. @exploratorium: Allows children to explore a career in STEM, and provides educators with up to date news and resources.
  17. @STEMChallenge: Uses video games to get kids involved in STEM.
  18. @egfi: Allows children to explore a career in STEM, while providing them with information about careers in STEM.
  19. @ScienceCenters: Tweets out pertinent information about science and technology centers across the nation.
  20. @OppEquation: Ensures that kids underrepresented groups are exposed to STEM careers.
  21. @SciGirls: Helps girls explore a career in STEM.
  22. @cstemorg: Helps minority groups learn more about careers in STEM.
  23. @NCWIT: Devoted to helping more girls and women to choose STEM careers.
  24. @womenintech: Showcases women in tech careers, offers advice to women interested in tech careers and encourages young girls to become involved in tech.

Whether you are a woman—at any stage in your career—trying to break into cryptocurrency, or perhaps you are writing a grant to obtain support for women in crypto-related pursuits, this directory contains a comprehensive set of resources.

Access:  Women in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

This site is a repository of peer-reviewed research and resources
discussing the challenges facing white women and men and women of color in science. 

Access: Women in Stem Resources


You are the experts!  Please share with us additional web sites you find most valuable in your content area. 

This page was last updated: 6/1/24