Enjoy the collated resources in Science. If you have suggestions, please submit them using the form on the right.
Useful web site to view different cells with different types of microscopes. The site is also helpful when studying for the stages of mitosis.
Access: Cells Alive
If you are looking for basic chemistry help and information, stay on this site. We have information on matter, atoms, elements, the periodic table, reactions, and biochemistry. If you're not sure what to click, try our site map that lists all of the topics on the site. If you get lost in all of the information, use the search function at the top or bottom of each page.
Access: Chem4Kids
Useful to students researching chemical elements.
Access: Chemical Elements
This web site might be useful for students researching for a biome project or other science information - dinosaurs, earth, and other resources.
Access: Classroom of the Future
In this exemplary LCD module for eighth/ninth grade physical science, students will examine the pros and cons of the techniques used in cryobiology, as this science relies on a number of controversial and cutting edge technologies, and formulate an argument based on scientific facts using Template Task 2.
Access: Cryobiology
Access: Cybrary Man's Science Resources
This document provides strategies for classroom assessments, as well as ways to monitor science learning on a broader scale, and opportunities to monitor students' ways to learn science. Download Free!
Access: Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Standards
Designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment. Some of the best areas include year-long activity calendars, graphic organizers, the alphabet, biomes, bats, weather, the water cycle, geology and rocks, levels of the atmosphere, and clouds.
Access: Enchanted Learning
Engineering Is Elementary supports educators and children with curricula and professional development that develop engineering literacy. There are 20 units for Grades 1-5 and multiple resources through Grade 8.
Access: Engineering Is Elementary
This rubric is provided to allow educators to determine level of alignment of lessons and units with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Download free PDF for a conceptual framework for the new K-12 science standards.
Access: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas
This report is organized by chapters that correspond to the major elements that need to be considered when implementing the NGSS. Chapter 2 addresses the principles and Chapters 3-8 cover instruction, professional learning for teachers, administrators, and district leaders; curriculum resources; assessment and accountability; collaboration, networks, and partnerships; and policy and communication. Download free PDF.
Access: Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards
This matrix integrates Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK) with Bloom's Cognitive Process Dimensions
Access: Hess - Cognitive Rigor Matrix - Math and Science CRM
The free, open-source HippoCampus website provides multimedia resources for high school and college students. Explore lessons on topics ranging from DNA to the chemical and physical properties of solutions to kinetic theory and thermodynamics. HippoCampus includes presentations and videos in several subject areas, including biology, statistics, calculus, environmental science, physics, and algebra. The website also offers algebra and calculus lessons in Spanish.
Access: HippoCampus
The Iowa Academy of Science is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The mission of the Academy is to further scientific research, science education, public understanding of science and to recognize excellence in these endeavors. The Academy accomplishes its mission through many programs and activities.
Access: Iowa Academy of Science
This web site of the Iowa Department of Education provides the science standards.
Access: Iowa Core Science Standards
The Kahn Academy offers videos for biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, healthcare and medicine, physics, cosmology and astronomy, and computer science. YouTube ( offers the playlist.
Access: Kahn Academy
This site offers summaries and many pdfs of the various human body systems, including nervous, immune, muscular, digestive, respiratory, skeletal, endocrine, cardiovascular, and excretory.
Let High School Science Teachers Know They’re Not Alone
Educator Shannon Wachowski discusses the challenges high school science teachers are facing and how EdReports’ reviews of high school science programs can support them.
Access: Let High School Science Teachers Know They're Not Alone
Are you considering a Master's in Data Science. Check out schools offering programs.
Access: Master's in Data Science
The NASA web site is a resource for K-12 educators – providing teaching materials, career information, an education image gallery, Quick Links, and a calendar of events to support teachers and students.
Access: NASA Education
Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards provides guidance to district and school leaders and teachers charged with developing a plan and implementing the NGSS as they change their curriculum, instruction, professional learning, policies, and assessment to align with the new standards. For each of these elements, this report lays out recommendations for action around key issues and cautions about potential pitfalls. Coordinating changes in these aspects of the education system is challenging. As a foundation for that process, Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards identifies some overarching principles that should guide the planning and implementation process.
Access: National Research Council’s Guide to Implementing the Iowa Science Standards
Through a collaborative, state-led process managed by Achieve, new K-12 science standards have been developed that are rich in content and practice and arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally-benchmarked science education. The NGSS are based on the Framework for K-!2 Science Education developed by the National Research Council.l.
This is a science website for kids from the American Museum of Natural History.
Access: OLogy for Kids
This is a great resource for kids for multiple areas of science - everything from astronomy to ham radios to transistors.
Access: 101 Science
Hosted by Studyworks On-line, 1) Physics Tutorial, 2) Multimedia Physics Studio, and 3) Physics Help
Access: Physics Classroom
Designed to be a resource for learning introductory level algebra-based physics. Lessons and reviews organized by topic.
Access: Physics Zone
The DE provides information on laws/regulations, science in the Iowa Core, partnerships, as well as links to science.
These science strands of proficiency represent learning goals for students as well as a broad framework for curriculum design. They address the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science and, ultimately, able to participate in society as educated citizens.
Access: Science – Iowa Core
This site was shared by a student working on her science project. Check it out for your own science activities and experiments.
This science project site provides ideas for students and teachers.
Access: Science Fair Projects
This site is especially for teachers and students in the middle school.
Access: Science Spot
These webinars are provided by the National Science Teachers Association.
Access: Science Webinars - NSTA
Are you interested in how the world works? In this collection, you will find easy-to-understand simulations of common scientific phenomena, such as why a baloon sticks to a sweater, and how water forms a rounded surface. The interactive science simulation in this collection are all designed for touchscreen mobile devices, and are meant to encourage exploration of a variety of topics in physics, chemistry, and biology. Each simulation in this collection was created by a practicing science teacher.
Access: SimBucket!
(University of Wisconsin): Maintained by Dr. Julien Sprott and contains many useful demonstrations that could be used by Physics teachers.
Access: Sprott's Physics Demos
Teach Engineering offers standards-aligned engineering lessons and hands-on activities for use in science, engineering, and math classrooms.
Access more than 150 videos by teachers of science.
Access: The Teaching Channel
Check out these videos to use with your students.
Access: TEDEd Lessons Worth Sharing
Many of the learning progressions in science can draw inspiration from imaginative storylines that envision what is possible for humanity and our planet. Teachers can benefit from student motivation that comes from conversations about what their future could look like, and the careers that will be a part of it. The classroom res ources in this collection provide educators with some key themes about the future to bring into their science and engineering curricula.
Access: TouchTomorrow
Instructional leaders play a critical role in the Iowa Science Standards implementation process.
Access: Understanding and Implementing the Science Standards - Iowa Department of Education
Will Price, a student who loves learning and science, shared this resource with Iowa ASCD. Water is everywhere! Water is in every part of our everyday lives, including inside our bodies. We drink water, we cook with it, and we swim and bathe in it. But how much do you actually know about water? There's a lot of interesting science related to water, and you can explore and learn by doing fun water activities and experiments at home.
Access: Water Science Projects and Experiments for Learning and Family Fun