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Diane Ravitch defines differentiating instruction as a form of instruction that seeks to "maximize each student's growth by recognizing that students have different ways of learning, different interests, and different ways of responding to instruction.    "In practice, it involves offering several different learning experiences in response to students' varied needs.   Educators may vary learning activities and materials by difficulty, so as to challenge students at different readiness levels; by topic, in response to students' interests; and by students' preferred ways of learning or expressing themselves" (p. 75).


Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom by Rick Wormeli

Access: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom 

This website provides resources for differentiated instruction.

Access: Differentiation Central

This infographic summarizes differentiation.  See the full-size infographic.

Access: Differentiation Is . . . and Is Not

Learning Point Associates shared this article in February, 2009, addressing what differentiated instruction is - and is not.

Access: A Look at Differentiating Instruction - Tips for Teachers

This booklet provides provide teachers with ideas and strategies to incorporate into their subject areas.  The suggestions are not intended to add additional steps to their content; rather these suggestions are simply ways for content teachers to meet the diverse needs of the students they connect with each and every day in their classrooms. 

Access: On Target:  Strategies that Differentiate Learning - Grades 4-12

Carol Ann Tomlinson shares how standards-based instruction and differentiated learning can be compatible approaches in today's classrooms.

Access: Reconcilable Differences?  Standards-Based Teaching and Differentiation

Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.

Access:  What Is Differentiated Instruction?

Peter DeWitt seeks to answer with differentiation the question, "Is watching students struggle because their needs are not being met easier than differentiating?"

Access: Yes, Differentiation Is Hard So Let's Get It Right!  

This page was last updated: 11/27/23