Learning Supports

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Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in Iowa addresses the needs of every student to improve outcomes using data driven decisions and evidence-based practices in instruction. The MTSS framework identifies instructional needs and monitors the impact of instruction for all learners. This work starts with high-quality universal instruction and the screening of all learners with intervention provided, either remedial or accelerative, as warranted. Ongoing and regular progress monitoring helps determine instructional effectiveness and guides subsequent decision-making.

Educators use different data aggregates to evaluate the overall health of their educational system and identify students who need additional support, remedial or accelerative. Those supports are provided in both small group and individual settings and are monitored to ensure they support all learners in demonstrating proficiency in the Iowa Core standards and that learners leave school ready for life.

Many Iowa schools are successfully implementing components of MTSS. Together, we will move MTSS to consistent statewide implementation in every Iowa classroom. 

Access:  Multi-Tiered System of Supports

A guidance document describing the essential elements of the process by which students are identified and evaluated for special education under IDEA and state law.

Access:  Special Education Eligibility and Evaluation

Iowa districts and schools provide a wide range of programs through a multi-tiered system of supports to help all students achieve the Iowa Early Learning Standards, the Iowa Core, and Essential Elements. Common elements of these programs include:

  • Effective, evidence-based instructional programs and interventions
  • Differentiated instruction and intervention strategies
  • Individualized supports, accommodations, and alterable variables to ensure access to instruction and assessment procedures and materials
  • Evaluation of student performance and program effectiveness
  • Collaboration among educators, relevant agencies, and families

All learners are expected to work toward rigorous standards and participate in statewide assessments. It is important to ensure that all learners have sufficient access to instruction and assessment procedures and materials so they are able to successfully acquire the expected knowledge and skills and apply their learning in assignments and assessments in school and in the community.

Access:  Supports for Learning - Iowa Department of Education

ASCD provides resources to assure action and implementation to assure the safety, well being, and education of each child.

Access: The Whole Child Education

The focus of ASCD's WSCC model is an ecological approach that is directed at the whole school, with the school in turn drawing its resources and influences from the whole community and serving to address the needs of the whole child. ASCD and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourage use of the model as a framework for improving students' learning and health in our nation's schools.

Access: Whole School, Whole Child, Whole Community (WSCC) 

This page was last updated: 6/21/24