Critical Thinking Skills
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Scheffer and Rubenfeld identify the skills and provide examples of activity statements that allow students to demonstrate and develop those skills.
Access: Critical Thinking Skills
Access: Defining Critical Thinking
The Foundation for Critical Thinking is a non-profit organization that seeks to promote essential change in education and society through the cultivation of fair-minded critical thinking--thinking which embodies intellectual empathy, intellectual humility, intellectual perseverance, intellectual integrity and intellectual responsibility.
Habits of Mind in the Curriculum by Dr. Arthur Costa and Dr. Bena Kallick.
Access: Habits of Mind in the Curriculum
The Habits of Mind Institute provides this rubric for a self-assessment of your own use of habits of mind!
Access: Habits of Mind Rubric
The Institute for Habits of Mind, founded by Dr. Arthur Costa and Dr. Bena Kallick, is an international organization which helps educators, parents, and all who care for children to learn, practice, and infuse the Habits of Mind into their work and their lives.
Access: The Institute for Habits of Mind
Pinterest offers several resources on critical thinking.
Access: Pinterest
Pinterest offers several resources on Marzano's Dimensions of Learning, including critical thinking.
Access: Pinterest
Sixteen Habits of Mind as identified by Art Costa and Bena Kallick.
Access: Sixteen Habits of Mind