Formative Assessment

Enjoy the collated resources in Formative Assessment. If you have suggestions, please submit suggestions using the form on the right.

Achieve the Core:  Assessments are provided for ELA and Math.



Kindergarten and first-grade teachers striving to enhance their ability to meet individual student’s needs in mathematics have a valuable new tool at their disposal. Education Northwest introduces Assessing Mathematical Understanding —a comprehensive set of mathematics assessments that provides....

Access: Assessing K-1 Mathematical Understanding

This article, "Assessing Students' Affect Related toA ssessment for Learning," is by Stiggins and Popham

Access: Assessing Students' Affect Related to Assessment for Learning


Stiggins, R., (2007). Assessment through the student’s eye. Educational Leadership May2007, Vol. 64 Issue 8, p22-26, 5p.

Access: Assessment through the Student’s Eye 

On this page by Dylan Wiliams, you can download conference papers, transcripts of talks, short articles, and other work in progress. More formally published works are at the “Publications” tab.

Access:  Dylan Williams - Papers on Formative Assessments

Five Assessment Myths and Their Consequences  Stiggins, R., (2007) Five assessment myths and their consequences. Education Week, v27, n8, p28-29 Oct 2007.

Access: Five Assessment Myths and Their Consequences 

E. Caroline Wylie provides examples of using formative assessments.

Access: Formative Assessment:  Examples of Practice 

(AERA conference, April)  This paper of Dylan Wiliam was presented at the Symposium entitled Toward a Theory of Classroom Assessment as the Regulation of Learning at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014

Access: Formative assessment and self-regulated learning

Formative assessment of teaching consists of different approaches to continuously evaluate your teaching. The insight gained from this assessment can support revising your teaching strategies, leading to better outcomes in student learning and experiences. Formative assessment can be contrasted with summative assessment, which is usually part of an evaluative decision-making process.

Access:   Formative Assessment of Teaching

This series of modules is for use by locally facilitated learning teams.  They were developed to deepen the understanding of the attributes of the formative assessment process as defined by the Iowa Core Brief and Innovation Configuration Map.

Access:  Formative Assessment Instructional Process 

Stiggins, R., (2005). From formative assessment to assessment for learning: a path to success in standards-based schools. Phi Delta Kappan, Dec2005, Vol. 87 Issue 4, p324-328, 5p, 1bw.

Access: From Formative Assessment to Assessment FOR Learning: A Path to Success in Standards-Based Schools 

Black, P., & Wiliam, D., (1998) Inside the black box: raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, v80 n2 p139-44 Oct 1998.

Access: Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Formative Assessment

It is very important to consistently compare classroom performance data to standard-based diagnostic assessments throughout the school year.

Access:  Learning Sciences International Research - Teachers Predict End-of-Year Test Scores with Formative Assessment

This video provides an introduction by Bob Marzano where he "refines" the definition of formative assessment.

Access:  Robert Marzano on Formative Assessment  

Within these methods you’ll find close to 40 tools and tricks for finding out what your students know while they’re still learning.

Access:  7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment

An article from the National Center for Fair & Open Testing Journal, Fair Test Examiner on the value of Formative Assessment.

Access:  The Value of Formative Assessment 


Human-centered formative assessment drives long-term, holistic success for students. Because there is still confusion around formative assessment, let’s explore what it is and why it should be a part of our responsive teaching and learning cycles.

Access:  What Is Formative Assessment?

This page was last updated: 6/21/24