Culturally Responsive Teaching

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Communicating Cross Culturally - What Teachers Should Know by Yvonne Pratt-Johnson

Access: Communicating Cross Culturally - What Teachers Should Know


"Culturally Responsive Education: 15 Strategies & Ways to Practice CRE" about the importance of culturally responsive teaching, the benefits of using its methods, and how to practice it in your classroom (with concrete examples). Such an approach has a good impact on students. By accepting diverse cultures and learning more about them, teachers promote student sense of safety and belonging. 

Access:  Culturally Responsive Education: 15 Strategies & Ways to Practice CRE


Culturally Responsive Teaching - Brown University  Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of learning (Ladson-Billings,1994).

Access: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Educating Everybody's Children: Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners, Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition, Edited by Robert W. Cole

Access: Educating Everybody's Children: Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners

How can teachers prepare for diverse classrooms? There isn't a definitive answer, but there is a wealth of resources online. Discover some helpful links for teachers.

Access: Edutopia: Preparing for Diversity: Resources for Teachers

Dr. Cordelia A. Yates reminds us that it "is not enough to talk about what culturally responsive teaching means and its implications for teachers in the 21st-century classroom, especially considering the current immigration upsurge in the United States. We need to act and integrate CRT into the educational preparation of preservice teachers (Gay, 2013).

Access:  Exploring the Limitations of Culturally Responsive Teaching:  The Danger of Misinformation and Misunderstanding of the Concept for Teachers

Literacy with an Attitude by Patrick J. Finn

Literacy with an Attitude, written by Patrick J. Finn, attempts to redefine literacy as the term exists within the education field.[1] In his professional life, Finn served as an Associate Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School of Education from the University of Buffalo.[2] He also and co-chairs a committee of Urban Education through the University of Buffalo that helps provide support for the schools and school districts in Buffalo, NY.[3] His book outlines the differences between 'domesticating' and 'liberating' education, and offers advice on how to fix the discrepancy between upper and lower class schools. Finn references studies conducted by other published authors within the field of education, including Jean Anyon[1] and James Gee.

Access: Literacy with an Attitude

Access: Scholastic: Multiculturalism and Diversity

Judie Haynes shares some instructional and practice strategies that will help to provide ELLs at any level with the support they need to be successful (and benefit your native English speakers as well!).

Access: Seven Teaching Strategies for Classroom Teachers of ELLs

This page was last updated: 6/1/24