Understanding by Design
Enjoy the collated resources in Understanding by Design. If you have suggestions, please submit suggestions using the form on the right.
"From Common Core to Curriculum- 5 Big Ideas" by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins
Access: 5 Big Ideas - From Common Core to Curriculum- 5 Big Ideas
This video shares Grant Wiggins's explanation by Understanding by Design.
This video shares Grant Wiggins's explanation by Understanding by Design. "The textbook is NOT the course."
Access: Grant Wiggins - Understanding by Design - Part 2
These detailed unit plans, featured in the Intel Education Idea Showcase, will give you a complete project ready to implement as-is or adapt for your classroom. They all include project-based learning activities to engage students in developing 21st century thinking skills and making real-world connections. They are based on essential questions, content questions, and unit questions. They are aligned to Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
Access: Intel Teach Units
Vanderbilt University provides these resources.
- Overview
- The Benefits of Using Backward Design
- The Three Stages of Backward Design
- The Backward Design Template
Access: Understanding by Design
The Understanding by Design® framework (UbD™ framework) offers a plan-ning process and structure to guide curriculum, assessment, and instruction. Its two key ideas are contained in the title: 1) focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and learning transfer, and 2) design curriculum “backward” from those ends.
Jay McTighe and David Reese connect UbD with Project-Based Learning.
Trinity University shares their collection of units designed using UbD.
Access: Understanding by Design - Complete Collection
Understanding by Design Framework by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins
Access: Understanding by Design Framework
A PowerPoint that should prove helpful to you as you pursue your own units of study.
Access: Understanding by Design - Using "Backward Design" to Create Meaningful Units of Study
Authentic Education provides a summary.
Access: What is Understanding by Design